13 November 2007

Borders Healthcare

An interesting post on a blog by someone living in the Borders about healthcare locally. It's well worth a look. Click HERE to read it.


Anonymous said...

NHS Borders are probably right. Long stay general hospital wards, such as in Borders General Hospital, are not good for the well being of older people. Far better and more appropriate care is normally provided in care homes and local (cottage) hospitals.

Pity it took so long for the NHS to realize this. But people are loath to criticise facilities when they are vulnerable, and BGH is very defensive about what it provides. Time we had a more open minded society and less defensiveness about all types of criticism, whether this be positive or negative. We don't all sue when a criticism is taken on board!

Anonymous said...

It is time our older people had a fair deal from the NHS. If this reduction of beds at the BGH means better care for very vulnerable people then that must be good. However, the question is, "is this a reduction of beds for the elderly across Scottish Borders or is it a redeployment of beds to cottage hospitals so that very frail people can be cared for in a more homely environment"?

If this is a cost cutting exercise then NHS Borders should hang its head in shame.

Far too often we hear from the powers that be about the prohibitive cost of looking after our frail, older people. "These people" are our people and our responsibility, and they deserve better than this suposedly civilized and affluent country is providing.

A little less of the disgusting greed that is paraded day in and day out on our television screens in the form of 'celebrities', etc, and is pandered to by our politicians, and a bit more generosity from society as a whole is what is required from a civilized society.